Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spread Love

My name is Howard McCowan some of you know me from high school, some of you know me from the neighborhood. We might be friends associates or complete strangers. I started this group along with a non profit I named the gardener group. I choose this name because I believe that for us to mature and grow as a nation we begin by nurturing our seeds. we must help our garden to grow, and each seed must be treated with love. No matter what religion you believe you must understand that our salvation always rest in the hands of the children. Society has excepted the tradition of government and our justice system being run as a business.we cannot allow ourselves to be treated like commodities that can be purchased and traded for the benefits of business, we cannot allow our children to suffer, starve, and be abused because their is no profit in their salvation. In this the land of the free and the home of the brave, we behave like cowardly slaves unable to embrace our own identity as a powerful people and bravely cast out those who attempt to corrupt and take away our freedoms.We have laws to enslave men for their corrupt and evil deeds, but who is to suffer for the evil deeds done by men who hide behind corporations and have to ability to implement laws and rule in the favor of those protections. They are allowed to kill, enslave and rob us blind in the name of profit but for those of us who venture out on our own to make a little profit in this manner are cast out and enslaved as inmates to pay for our sins against the father that pass down judgement to the masses. So if "they" are the wealthy, the law, the judge, the educator, the dictator. Then who will protect us from this corporate greed? Who will provide us with justice, and keep us educated and aware? Who will protect us from being downsized and fogotten? This is the time we must unit and rise together as one nation so that we can put an end to this. If you prey for change and make non of your own then I prey for you. Open your eyes. God will not save us he will not force mankind to change. He has already provided you with all you need, it is up to us to use his gifts wisely to improve our own society. I am one man with little power or influence, but I hope that enough will see my vision that we might combine our voice to create a might roar that cannot be ignored. With your help we can take back our freedom, we can protect the innocence of our children. We can remove these corporations and institution's that attempt to imitate heaven. Let us strike down those men to seek to sit in gods throne. This is not an easy battle but I believe the first step to victory is to take back financial control of our lives. Every child should receive the same opportunity for education as the next. Despite financial barriers. Equal opportunities for success should be given in our educational system. to ensure this we must if necessary take it upon ourselves to teach our children. With your help I would like to build a system of educational learning centers for children as well as adults. In this day and age were knowledge is so easily shared and obtained it should be no excuse as to why we cannot provide free and equal education to people of all backgrounds. Better people make a better world, support my mission. Become a member and power the fight, tell someone and shame the devil, or just donate and fund our freedom.

Life is Love... Spread Love..