Thursday, May 19, 2011

Power The Fight

Power the Fight

When do we fight? How much do these mega corporations have to take from us before we fight back? Do we simply work harder as they raise the cost of living around us with no compensation for the worker? Should I find a second job when the bank decides that the $300 dollar mortgage is too easy for me to pay and wants me to pay $800 a month for the same loan with more fees and interest? What about when the oil company decides that $0.78 a gal isn’t enough to pay for gas and that I should pay $5.26 instead. Even though our reserves are constantly growing and the United States is constantly influencing other countries to sale there oil cheaper and cheaper.
 Maybe it would be better explained if a worker that sales you gas earned $85,000 a year now or maybe if the truck driver that delivered it was earning $250,000 a year these days, but that’s not the case unfortunately while the money has been increased to goods and services and companies are earning record highs we the workers who enable these corporations to exist are earning the same money and in some cases less money. While we struggle to pay our bills and raise our children they expand their wealth threw our labor.
 Is this not the purpose of slavery but to gain wealth threw the labors of others. Our whips have been replaced with inflation our pain is felt in the belly of those that go hungry and die of sicknesses that we have cures for. To remain under educated when knowledge is so freely communicated with today’s technology. We must rise; my brothers and sisters. They convince you to sale you bodies for discounted rates to survive and to use your sexual appeal to manipulate men to support you. They convince us to sale drugs to our people and to rob each other and to even kill our brothers and sisters who are only slaves as well.
Then they create laws that will imprison us if we go against the system they’ve designed to keep us captives. The war on drugs is designed to imprison us, not to stop the use of drugs or to inform or help those with abuse issues. Not to save society but to imprison to create more felons and repeat offenders. We will never stop drug use but if we stopped the war on drugs then we would have 74% less felons and our prison population would decrease and we would have more funds available for counseling abusers and there would be less dealers as there is not much us for drug dealers when drugs can be purchased as freely as alcohol or cigarettes.  
If we are going to be free we must first raise up ourselves and each other and if we are going to be strong, we must unit we must organize, we must  spread knowledge, we must respect our bodies, we must not only respect each other but love each other, we must endure, and we must fight. Don’t allow them to enslave you: live free or die trying, don’t go easy into that good night. They use money to enslave us, the legal system to enforce their rule and the media to manipulate and confuse the truth.  Seek the truth; use your resources to search for answers. Watch the footage from 9/11 use common sense. Find out how inflation works, it’s a hidden tax on the people to keep us working to perpetuate wealth amongst the elite. They are building wealth by stealing your money. They use our government to create laws that allow them to maximize profit for themselves. The insurance companies will lobby to get laws in place that force you to buy insurance despite how you feel.
They pay politicians to convince us that these laws are necessary to ensure our safety and best interest.  This makes it easier for us to accept paying a bill that doesn’t provide us any guaranteed benefit. We are forced to obey the rules set by those who have gained enough wealth to pay for your freedom. We are the majority that is not represented in the government, it is us the general population that did not benefit from the government bailout.  They stole the American people’s money $70,000,000,000.00 of it and divided it up amongst a few hundred people. While we are left with an even bigger dept for we will pay the interest on that money as well. They continue to deny us loans and assistance with our dept. We the people of the United Stated of America have been hijacked. What are you going to do?

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